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Root beer float snack cake

January 17, 2012
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Root Beer Float Snack Cake

Would you believe I’ve had this recipe tucked away for over 2 years?  I’ve looked at it a million times and just kept bypassing it.  Well, nothing says a long weekend like cake, so here it is.  And you will not believe how much it tastes like a root beer float!  Seriously!  Even the topping has the flavor of the foam on top of an ice cream float.  Yum-my.

My baby girl is a major root beer lover, so there was some squealing and jumping up and down when this bad boy was all done and ready to eat.  She insisted that she be the first to “taste test” it because she loves root beer more than anyone and would know if it was delicious.  Guess what?  It was delicious.  The cake itself is dense and moist, the glaze gives you a pop (no pun intended) of root beer, and the topping is whipped and lightly root beer-ish.  All together, this was a dessert that any soda fountain would be proud to claim.

{one year ago:  Italian sausage soup}
{two years ago:  chocolate chip sour cream snack cake}

Recipe:  Root Beer Float Snack Cake

(adapted from Washington Post)

2 c. self-rising flour
2 c. sugar
1 tsp. baking soda
2 sticks unsalted butter, melted  (Butter can be warm, but not hot, when incorporated into mix.)
2 large eggs
1 c. reduced root beer  (One 12-oz. can of root beer reduced to 8 oz. when heated in a pan on the stove.)
1/2 c. buttermilk
1 tsp. McCormick root beer concentrate

1 c. sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 Tbsp. McCormick root beer concentrate

1 c. heavy cream
1/2 c. confectioners’ sugar
1 packet (about 2 1/2 teaspoons) unflavored powdered gelatin, such as Knox brand
1 c. reduced root beer  (One 12-oz. can of root beer reduced to 8 oz. when heated in a pan on the stove.)

For the cake:
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  Lightly grease and flour a 9- by 13-inch baking pan.  Combine the flour, sugar and baking soda in a mixing bowl.  Combine the reduced root beer, eggs, buttermilk and root beer concentrate in another bowl and beat on low speed to incorporate, then add the melted butter.

Add the combined root beer mixture to the dry ingredients and mix well, for 2 minutes (either by hand or mixer).  Pour the batter into the prepared baking pan.  Bake for 35 to 40 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.  Transfer the pan to a wire rack to cool for about 20 minutes before glazing.

For the glaze:
Combine the sweetened condensed milk and root beer concentrate, stirring to form a uniformly dark brown mixture.  Spread the glaze evenly on top of the warm bars.  Let cool completely.

For the topping:
Dissolve the gelatin in the reduced root beer (it can be warm but not hot).  Let sit for 5 minutes.

Whip the cream in the bowl of a stand mixer or hand-held mixer on medium-high speed until soft peaks form. Slowly add the sugar, then beat on medium speed to form very stiff peaks (for about 4 minutes).  Use a wooden spoon to stir in the root beer-gelatin mixture.

Spread the mixture on top of the cake.  Cover loosely with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes before cutting and serving.

7 Comments leave one →
  1. January 18, 2012 9:35 am

    Oh, wow. This is amazing. And so not on my “face-lift diet.” Thank goodness it only lasts three days. ;-)

    I’ve never noticed root beer concentrate at the store–is it with the other extracts or did you have to get it somewhere special? Thanks!

  2. January 19, 2012 8:25 pm

    Can’t wait to try this out for dessert tonight! Thanks for posting!

  3. January 20, 2012 2:55 am

    root beer concentrate sounds like an ingredient that i would use and abuse–what a find! and honestly, i can’t think of a better treat in which to use it, as your cake looks stellar!

  4. January 31, 2012 11:25 am

    I’m glad you finally made this one. It’s one killer cake!

  5. February 3, 2012 7:35 pm

    I’m not a fan of rootbeer, except for in floats. Your slice of cake looks perfect Michelle.

  6. shark_girl permalink
    May 24, 2012 3:26 pm

    I made this for my mom (who lived off of root beer floats when she was preggo with me) and everyone LOVED it, two people said, “It actually tastes like a root beer float”
    I recommend anyone who likes root beer try this cake, it’s delicious!!
    One thing I had to note, (my own fault) when I baked the cake it rose quite a bit. I didnt have any room to put the glaze or cream layer on, so I leveled the cake and cut the edges off, then when I put the glaze on it kinda absorbed into the cut off parts, which was okay but left the cake slightly spongey so just make sure your pan is thick enough and you wont need to level it or anything.
    Perfect recipe though!! * * * * *


  1. Rootbeer floats | Allcoasthost

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