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Wish I’d thought of that…

August 7, 2010

I’ve been seeing so many great ideas around the blogshpere, and every time one catches my eye, I find myself sending a link to my sister.  But why should she be the only one I share these super finds with anyway?  From now on, I’m going to have a new featured post called “Wish I’d Thought of That!”  Now you’ll get to see all these inspired ideas too.

Wish I’d thought of that…

I got to this cute summer reading incentive in a very roundabout way.  It comes from Bridget at Everyday Chaos, who guest posted at 30 Handmade Days.  (I originally saw it at Be Different, Act Normal.)  And now that you’re up to speed, would you just look at this??

If you have a reluctant reader, like I do, anything that can get him or her to read is huge.  HUGE!  Though, because I don’t sew, I would have to do something different for the cute little bag, but frankly, my kids would really dig a reading gumball machine.  Can you imagine the reading that would ensue if there was a reading gumball machine on the counter?  It makes my head spin.  And the little poem is great too.  Just pure genius, start to finish!  {Way to go, Bridget!}

{one year ago:  peach sour cream ice cream}

7 Comments leave one →
  1. mamajulie permalink
    August 7, 2010 8:28 am

    I once taught a non-reader to read by giving him an M&M for every page he read to me without an error. I think he gained some weight, but he learned to read LOL!

  2. August 9, 2010 3:05 am

    What a brilliant idea of yours “Wish I’d thought of that…”. A superb way of sharing.
    :-) Mandy

  3. August 9, 2010 9:06 pm

    This is absolutely adorable!!! I have a three year old and she is already a major reader but this will still be good for the future! Thanks for sharing and I look forward to future installments of this feature!

  4. August 10, 2010 3:19 pm

    That is a nice idea. Do they make sugar free gum balls. And obviously there would be an honor system. Hmmmm, perhaps I should only allow so many er, reading sessions. LOL

  5. August 14, 2010 10:14 am

    This is super cute. Would also make a nice accompaniment to a gift of a book.
    I look forward to your sharing all the stuff you find on the web. There is SO MUCH great stuff out there but it’s not always easy to find, and for me I usually come across stuff via like minded friends (like you!)

  6. August 14, 2010 10:15 am

    By the way, Girl from Zanzibar is one of my favourite books EVER. Where’d you find it? It’s not very well known.


  1. 28 Reading Incentives That Really Work - WeAreTeachers

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